
Chicago International Film Festival!!!

Chicago International Film Festival Suggestions/Top Picks

It’s an exciting time in Chicago because a film festival is in our backyard! I know crazy right? The city is hosting its 48th annual Chicago International Film Festival (CIFF) from the 11th – 25th at AMC River East 21 in downtown Chicago. The festival is showing 175 films from 50 countries. Some directors and actors/actresses are attending their films show times. Attendees even have opportunities to view free panels where people in the industry talk about certain aspects of making films, financing and much more. Prices range from a measly $5 for matinee times to $30 depending on if directors or actors/actresses attend. This festival captures a wide array of films being presented from a multitude of genres and different/ unique points of views from around the world. So get off your butts and experience this event by checking the website for the cost and schedule of the movies you want to see.

Some films that were shown at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) that are also being shown at CIFF that viewers should not, I repeat, should not  pass up if you have the time and money such as Cloud Atlas, Antiviral, The Sapphires, and Silver Linings Playbook.

Including the films I just named, listed below are 11 movies to check out on the CIFF website  or YouTube that are worth watching. Make sure to also check the festival guide to make you life a little bit easier:

  1. The Impossible
  2. The Sessions
  3. Holy Motors
  4. Alaskaland
  5. The Central Park 5
  6. King Curling
  7. Flight
  8. A Royal Affair
  9. Shadow Dancer
  10. Keep the Lights On.
  11. After Lucia

Cover Photo Source: Roman Soto via Flickr

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Anet is a Junior Executive at SJGI am an aspiring Art Director. I love to create, and it’s as simple as that. I graduated from DePaul University with a BA in Communications, majoring in PR and Advertising and double minoring in psychology and digital cinema. Other things I enjoy include watching T.V. shows, movies and trailers, cooking, boxing and searching for inspirational and ridiculously funny things on the internet. I have a strange addiction to sour candy, and I hope to have some fun here.[/author_info] [/author]