
Man: We’re here! This place is perfect.
Woman: My love, what a nice surprise, bringing me to such a quiet secluded area where we can talk and look at the stars.
Man: Stars? Oh year, there they are…well…here no one will bother us and…
Woman: Look! A shooting star! Now we can make a wish. Think about what you want more than anything at this very moment…
Man: I know exactly what I want…but maybe you’d better go first.
Woman: I wish for a beautiful home, a beautiful family and the love of my life. How about you?
Woman: Close your eyes and tell me with all your heart what you want most…go ahead, ask for it!
Man: Mmmmm… my wish is very hot and spicy…
Woman: Ask for it, ask for it!
Man: My Bufalo Hot Sauces! With potato chips or chicharones.
Woman: Chicharones! Potato Chips! Bufalo Hot Sauces?
Man: Well, they also taste great with shrimp, mangos or whatever you want.
Woman: How can you say that! You’re forgetting the popcorn!
Voiceover: I love you!
Everyday people are more passionate about Bufalo Hot Sauces. Hot Sauces.
They’re really hot.
Herdez. Hechos Con Amor.