SJG Punkd Finale

Funny Friday: SJG ‘Punk’d’ Season Finale

Alas, we’ve reached the SJG “Punk’d” season finale: #SeriousGeorgeGetsPunkd.

Little did Will know that when he went whining to Ebonne about the utter lack of April Fool’s Day pranks at SJG, he’d opened a can of good-humored, unsuspecting worms and released them into the office. Will’s squawking echoed as a challenge to Ebonne (who is highly competitive and, from my observation, always ready for a challenge).

Will started it off with a cup catastrophe in Ebonne’s office, and from there our staff pulled off several pranks: Ana’s pizza guy hoaxCassandra’s copyright scare and, as you’ll see today, “George’s Big Surprise.” Our crew masterminded several smaller, unrecorded pranks including flipping monitor screens upside-down, locking phones on speaker and taping the bottom of computer mice.


Thanks to our friend’s at GULP Productions for making a production out of a typical Thursday morning meeting.

But the pranks are far from over… yes, there is much more fun to be had around here, especially with all the Summer interns around.  No one is safe.  Nothing is off limits.  Our interns and staff should stay on their toes.  After all, nobody really knows when they might find themselves the victim of an episode of SJG “Punk’d”… Mwahahaha.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Jennifer is Director of Content & Ideation at SJG.  I am convinced that every human being is innately creative – Picasso said the key is to remain childlike within the body of a responsible adult, or something along those lines. As the oldest member of this opinionated clan, I feel responsible to share a different perspective. Engage me – I love a good debate! [/author_info] [/author]