Not Everything Stays In Vegas…
Coming from Las Vegas, The Killers’s origin just doesn’t seem right: their poetic soulful lyrics bemoan a Northern Cali or Seattle spawn.
Nevertheless, I’m much obliged to sin city for giving these guys up. The latest release, Battle Born, elates some fans, disappoints others and collects some new groupies along the way.
You can smell the influence of The Boss and Coldplay on the band’s music and even (or maybe especially) on Flower’s solo album Flamingo, released in between The Killers projects. Good stuff on the Flamingo album – a worthy listen. “Only the Young,” “Magdalena” and “Playing With Fire” are a few of my faves and show his range and diversity of style when left to himself.
Battle Born is tough and tender – melodic at times, synth-heavy at others, but always reflective and smart. A couple of folks around here don’t care for it. Music is funny like that. If you have to force it on someone – you may as well not bother. Either it resonates with you or it doesn’t. If you care to know another opinion about the album, read Billboard’s review. The Killers, ‘Battle Born’:Track-By-Track Review
I love something about every song, but “Be Still” has taken root as a current mantra that haunts me (in a good way) all day. You can listen to it here.
Be Still
Wild and Young
Long may your innocence reign…
And may your limits be unknown
And may your efforts be your own…
If you ever feel you can’t take it anymore
Don’t break character…
I am off now to try and hunt down some tickets for their December 21st show here in Chicago… Yeah – I know – good luck with that… Anyone have tickets they want to sell? Anyone?
Swift gets Real #TaylorFollowers
By Nicole Hernandez
With the worldwide release of Taylor Swift’s Red album, the 22-year-old singer-songwriter has taken “real time” updates to a whole new level today. She has chosen several of her social media followers to follow her in real life. Those lucky fans will document their experiences of literally attending each event with the singer through live updates on Facebook and Twitter. The hashtag #TaylorFollowers already has a sea full of tweets being posted.
I couldn’t imagine how it would be picking a few of the over 800 followers I have on Twitter to travel with me everywhere I go throughout the day. Then again, I’m sure Taylor’s life is much more exciting than mine – not that mine isn’t. It would be nice having a few extra hands while at work. Five of me for a day would be glorious! Maybe one day when I’m famous, I’ll have my own army of real life followers. Who knows what the future holds. ‘Til then, Taylor, you go girl!
Cover Photo Source: Ferrari + caballos + fuerza = cerebro Humano via Flickr
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Jennifer is Director of Content & Ideation at SJG. I am convinced that every human being is innately creative – Picasso said the key is to remain childlike within the body of a responsible adult, or something along those lines. As the oldest member of this opinionated clan, I feel responsible to share a different perspective. Engage me – I love a good debate! [/author_info] [/author]
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Nicole Hernandez is the Social Media Manager at SJG. She’s a Chicagoan who graduated from DePaul University with a BA in Public Relations & Advertising and minor in Journalism. Nicole is known to her peers as being online all the time – while in her spare time you can find her taking footage on her phone as she’s rocking out at music festivals. She’s also training to be the new water girl at Chicago Bulls games (in her dreams). [/author_info] [/author]