When New Media Becomes New Reality

When New Media Becomes New Reality

As technology grows and develops, new digital mediums emerge. The inventions of television, the Internet, social media, and smart phone apps all took the world by storm. In the advertising world, when a new technology emerges, we immediately seek to find the advertising potential of new technologies and try to adapt to mastering those technologies. This is also true of one of the newest digital mediums: virtual reality.


If you don’t know what virtual reality is, it can be described on as an immersive 3D digital experience that gives you a seemingly realistic presence in a digital world which can be achieved through specially designed headsets or glasses.


As virtual reality technology has adapted and become more of a household name, advertisers have learned how to adapt advertising to fit the technology.


Three VR advertising forms have been tested: a pre-roll video ad, brand logos in game, and 3D branded objects in game play.


In an advertising study done by YuMe, Inc., the pre-roll video ads saw the most advertising success, but all forms achieve 70% aided recall.


Once VR becomes a more commonly used technology by the general public, more and more advertising agencies will adapt to be able to create ads in VR technologies. A few agencies have already started VR capabilities, such as Team One and Google’s Advr. With the amount of recall and emotional engagement these types of ads have, advertisers will be flocking to make VR one of the most used ad spaces, and has the potential to take over standard video someday.