
Census Reveals Potential Of Hispanic Market

CHICAGO (April 12, 2001) — After analyzing recent Census 2000 reports, The San Jose Group today announced its assessment of what the Census findings mean to its clients. In 1990, Hispanics numbered 22.4 million, or nine percent of the total population. According to Census 2000, there are now 35.3 million Hispanics making up almost 13 percent of the total population. The Hispanic population grew nearly 58 percent since 1990, accounting for as much as 80 percent of the nation’s population growth since 1990 and representing the largest ever increase in the Hispanic population.

Hispanics and racial minorities now make up nearly one-third of the United States’ 281 million populace, and during the past 20 years have grown by more than 90 percent. During that same period, the Non-Hispanic White population increased just 7.6 percent. The 2000 Census shows the Hispanic population surpassing Non-Hispanic Blacks for the first time.

What does this mean to marketers?

George San Jose, president and COO of The San Jose Group explained, “The size of the Hispanic market has repeatedly caught census forecasters by surprise. The current number of Hispanics exceeds the Census Bureau’s projections for even 2002!”