
The San Jose Group Hits a Home Run for American Family Insurance

CHICAGO (January 17, 2009) — Helping to lead the way in an emerging trend among multicultural agencies, The San Jose Group (SJG) has developed a general market television spot for its client, American Family Insurance. The new creative, “Baseball,” is a reverse transculturation of the agency’s Hispanic work, “Batazo.” Both focus on a consumer insight that transcends traditional segmentation and is transferable among all ethnic and cultural audiences that comprise the general market.

“We’re excited about our client’s innovative approach in allowing us to develop a ‘general market’ adaptation of our concept. It proves that the best creative boils down to a human truth that resonates with any segment,” said Jim Legg, vice president of client service for SJG. “For American Family Insurance, we found a universal truth that originally worked great for the Hispanic market, but that we were also able to apply across the board to the general population.”

The “Batazo/Baseball” television spots focus on the relationship between father and son, featuring a scenario where the father is spending time with the young boy, playing baseball. The universal sentiment, that connects all fathers and sons, is the father’s deep desire for his son to achieve greatness in life. American Family Insurance is there as part of the family to offer a helping hand when the father and son need it, demonstrating the company’s close relationship with its customers.

“We’ve found that as a Hispanic agency, we can approach global truths more naturally since much of our staff has general market experience with Hispanic expertise on top of that. These types of insights often lead to greater efficiencies for our clients,” added Legg.

The creative concept, originally used in the Spanish spot, “Batazo,” tested well in both Hispanic and general market focus groups, which resulted in SJG’s extension of the idea to a larger audience.

The Spanish-language television spot is airing in select priority Hispanic markets including Chicago and Phoenix. The English-language spot is airing in the 18 markets that comprise the entire American Family Insurance footprint.

To view both “Batazo” and “Baseball” please visit

About The San Jose Group

Founded in 1981, The San Jose Group specializes in developing innovative marketing communications solutions that connect brands and consumers to their core purpose. The agency is the anchor to The San Jose Network, Ltd., the largest group of marketing communications agencies serving U.S. Hispanic and Latin American markets.