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The San Jose Group Honored by Communicator Awards

CHICAGO (January 18, 2002) — The San Jose Group recently won three awards in The Communicator Awards competition for its television advertisements for Hanes Hosiery and QueRico.com, and for The San Jose Group Demo Reel.

The Hanes commercial “Tango” uses a culturally relevant scene to communicate confidence, a key to reaching this before-untapped market. The “Tango” ad can be seen at www.thesanjosegroup.com (Go to Advertising Division Section; Creative Gallery; Television; Hanes). The QueRico.com spot “Two Worlds” is a collection of festive settings that illustrates people enjoying Latino life and food that could be purchased at the client web site. The San Jose Group Demo Reel consists of a musical compilation of its client’s commercials. 

The Communicator Awards is a national awards competition founded by communication professionals to recognize excellence in the communication field. The Communicator Awards holds annual competitions in audio, video and print media categories. There were 3,401 entries in the video category from the United States as well as numerous foreign countries.

“Our goal in creating television advertising is to capture that one message that will appeal to our target audience and deliver desired results four our clients,” explained George L. San Jose, president and COO of The San Jose Group. “We are pleased that our colleagues in the business who judged this competition recognize our effectiveness.”

About The San Jose Group

Incorporated in 1981, The San Jose Group is a consortium of marketing communications companies specializing in reaching the Spanish-speaking Americas. Headquartered in Chicago, the Group’s expertise, services and resources transcend domestic and international markets.

More information about The San Jose Group can be found at https://thesanjosegroup.com