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The San Jose Network announces New Agency Services in Argentina

New Affiliate Agency Adds Public Relations to SJG’s International Capabilities

CHICAGO, August 14, 2001 — The San Jose Group announced the addition of a new public relations agency in Argentina, as a new member of The San Jose Network™.

PDV Press, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, specializes in public relations, press consulting and event organization, bringing a new set of services to the international Network. Its clients include Western Union, DHL, Banco Societe Generale, Universidad del Salvador, PerfilesOnline.com and Galerias Pacifico. PDV will work along with Openmind Publicidad, an advertising agency in Argentina, which is already a member of The San Jose Network™. Together, these two agencies are at the top of the advertising/public relations industry in Argentina.

“We are continuously striving to expand our services in ways that meet our clients needs,” said George L. San Jose, president and COO of The San Jose Group. “PDV will add a stronger layer of services to complement those of our organization, both in the U.S. and South America.”

Incorporated in 1981, The San Jose Group is a consortium of marketing communications companies specializing in reaching the Hispanic markets in the U.S. and Latin America. Headquartered in Chicago, the Group’s expertise, services and resources transcend domestic and international markets. More about The San Jose Group can be found at www.thesanjosegroup.com.