The Latino Vote
It’s over in Venezuela. The people rallied together and brought to pass a fair vote. Right? They voted for the guy who has THEIR best interest in mind – the best interest of the whole country. Right? Chavez is their guy, right?
Hmmm. You can let us know what you think in the comments, but the question here today is if American Latinos, without persuasion other than opportunity to make their vote count, will go to the polls in the upcoming election?
Our candidates don’t have the option of soliciting votes in quite the same way as they do in other countries. They are aware, however, of the importance of the Hispanic vote. It very well could be the game changer. A rising swell of voices are trumpeting for Latinos in the U.S. to be heard.
In less than a month – it will have been decided. We the people will have elected the next President of the United States. But will it be the man the majority of people wanted? That can only be possible if we vote, all of us.
Celebrities, including Alexis Bledel and America Ferrara, are lending their voices to support a Government representative of all the people.
Cover Photo Source: Dilma Rousseff via Wikimedia Commons
Photo Source 1: Rob Boudon via Flickr
Jennifer is Director of Content & Ideation at SJG. I am convinced that every human being is innately creative – Picasso said the key is to remain childlike within the body of a responsible adult, or something along those lines. As the oldest member of this opinionated clan, I feel responsible to share a different perspective. Engage me – I love a good debate!