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D-Day Quote History

Throwback Thursday: This Day in History

Remember, Remember the… sixth of June? Well since it’s Throwback Thursday, don’t mind if I do.

Well, some of us might remember June 6 in its historical context: The Battle of Normandy aka D-Day. In case you were asleep in history, never actually got to WWII in class or simply can’t remember the details, I’ve highlighted the details below. But, if you already know the facts (or history isn’t really  your thing), skip to some other interesting June 6 events below.

D-Day marks the beginning of the Battle of Normandy when the Allied force’s airborne troops (made up of largely British, American and Canadian troops) landed on the beaches of Normandy with an accompanying navel attack on June 6, 1944. Why is this important? The Allied forces brought down the Atlantic Wall (take that Hitler) and proceeded to move troops inland. This was the largest amphibious (land and water) military operation in history, and it was a huge battle in WWII because it essentially marked the last chance Nazi Germany had of holding off the Allied forces. Let us also remember on its 69th anniversary the roughly 4,665 Allied soldiers who were killed, captured or went missing on D-Day.

Other Important June 6 Happenings:

  • Chicago commuters, this one’s for you. The “L” opened on this day in 1892. So, now that you know how old those tracks are, you can stop wondering what’s with all the delays, break-downs, derailments and other #CTAproblems.
  • In light of game one of the NBA finals tonight (I can’t believe I’m actually rooting for the Spurs), let it be known that the National Basketball Association was created on this day in 1946.
  • Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan in 1968 (not even five years after his brother President John F. Kennedy was assassinated) shortly after winning the California primary. RFK was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery near his brother.
  • Calling all gamers, Tetris (one of the best-selling video games of all times) was released June 6, 1984. Can we get a Throwback Ad for this one? I think so.

Remember, if you want to impress your friends while watching the Blackhawks/Kings or the Heat/Spurs games tonight, throw them back with some of this June 6 trivia.

Go ‘Hawks.

Cover Photo Source: By David Bjorgen via Wikimedia Commons
Photo Source 1: joelsp via Flickr

Cassandra is a Content Manager and Developer at SJG. She earned her BA from Fontbonne University in 2011. Outside the office, she enjoys an active, healthy and well-rounded lifestyle including reading, writing, running, golfing, watching films, listening to music, taking photographs, and consuming media and social media.