Two for Tuesday: Fame Break
Hollywood stars notoriously do as they please–where and when they please. Since they usually have the resources and luxury to make rash decisions, retirement seems to be a constant word entertainers throw out when they are feeling fed up or stressed. That fact was made clear this week when Alec Baldwin declared he is retiring from public life (although not from acting?). Meanwhile rumors are swirling Jennifer Lawrence is going to be taking a mini-retirement/long vacation as well. This Two for Tuesday, we’ll look at the two stars and how it might impact their careers.
Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin wants to leave his life behind in New York and head back to LA to start his “retirement from public life.” The actor expressed he is unhappy with his reputation and how wrong the media is about him as a person. Ironically, he chose a wildly popular media outlet, New York Magazine, to announce his retirement from the public but not from acting itself. In the magazine he explains several factors that contribute to his decision to retire, and they actually all kind of make sense (to me, at least). He does not have a good reputation, and it might help if he takes a break and can gain some respect back from bridges he has burned. Now that he is remarried and has a newborn, I hope he can get it together and leave it to the Justin Beiber’s of Hollywood tarnish their reputations instead. Happy public life retirement Alec!
Jennifer Lawrence
On a different (likely much sadder for most) note, a rep for Jennifer Lawrence announced the actress will take an extended break from acting. She has been working nonstop since The Hunger Games and is feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. It’s hard to say if this will actually happen, but it seems like bad timing for her career. Jennifer Lawrence is still ridiculously young, fresh and at the absolute top of her game. If she takes too long of a break, a new starlet can come up and steal the spotlight. That is not to take anything away from the uber-talented and charismatic girl, but hopefully this is more of a quick R&R vacation than a Baldwin-style retirement. Only time will tell.
Cover Photo Source: Jaguar PS / Shutterstock.com
Photo Source 1: s_bukley / Shutterstock.com
Lolly is a Junior Executive at SJG. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree from DePaul University in 2013.