
Two for Tuesday: Delicate Technology…

Sandy takes down Huffington Post, Gawker websites, the headline reads.  What does SEO mean now?  Not much.

In light of Sandy – nothing seems important enough to feature.  I weakly offer, as a two for Tuesday, that these two massive websites with all their bells and whistles – don’t hold a candle to Mother Nature.  That’s a big deal.  That’s a lot of jobs.  That is chaos.  It is a delicate thing technology – we sure hinge a lot of our lives on it.  Our reliance kind of concerns me if I’m being honest. What if we were without?  What would be important then?  We are becoming a culture dependent on technology to communicate and connect.  Makes me want to send handwritten cards, hug my kids and turn my  phone off.

You can look all over the web and find videos and pictures of Sandy’s ongoing destruction.  It will never be the same.   On some level there is a universal shift.  Lives have been taken, property destroyed, businesses buried, homes and memories up in flames.

Business, technology, life, things can change so easily from one event.  It’s all so delicate.  There should be a universal banner that reads HANDLE WITH CARE!  It’s all so very fragile.

Photo Source: David Shankbone via Flickr

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Jennifer is Director of Content & Ideation at SJG.  I am convinced that every human being is innately creative – Picasso said the key is to remain childlike within the body of a responsible adult, or something along those lines. As the oldest member of this opinionated clan, I feel responsible to share a different perspective. Engage me – I love a good debate! [/author_info] [/author]