iOS 7 Update

Wednesdays without Will: iOS 7 and the Extreme Phone Makeover

iPhone, iPad and Apple people, do we have a Wednesdays without Will for you. Android and Microsoft employees, I mean, Windows phone users—sorry, this doesn’t concern you.

Today, Apple released iOS 7, the long awaited, much anticipated radical Apple software update. Like Jennifer said last week, “update” doesn’t seem to cut it when talking about the redesign—iOS 7 is a completely new software. The whole platform, look and functionality are so different than any Apple user has seen before, and Apple states that it’s the most  drastic change they’ve made to the iPhone since its 2007 release. Although users could get a hold of iOS 7 in beta (without jail breaking their phones), most iPhone and iPad users have iOS 7 available to them starting today. But, before you go ahead and impulsively update your phone, here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Back up your iPhone and/or iPad. (From personal experience, that’s an important thing to remember if you value anything  not saved in the cloud like contacts, notes, etc.).

Wednesdays without Will: iOS 7 and the Extreme Phone Makeover2. Doug Aamoth, contributor to Time Tech online, suggests users wait until tonight, tomorrow or even a few weeks if they have the restraint to download the update. The first iOS 7 go-around is bound to have a few glitches and bugs—holding out might let you bypass some of these petty annoyances. However, if you like being the first (no matter the glitches or slow phone functionality), then download away.

3. Be ready for change. From the command center to dynamic wallpapers and apps in general, the phone is  different. Be ready for the change or prepare to be disappointed.

Since I’m really  talking this iOS 7 update up (can you tell I’m not  the biggest fan of change), I should note user have plenty to be excited about with this update. Here’s just a short list of new Apple features users will love.

1. Photo filters—who needs Instagram? iOS 7 has nine photo filters that users can use to enhance all their photos.

2. One search field in Safari. With iOS 7, users can type a URL or a keyword search in the same field. As I use Chrome on my computer, I’m fond of having a similarly functioning browser on my phone.

3. Behold, the control center. Finally, Apple’s come up with a quick way to access the phones most important features like airplane mode, Bluetooth, iTunes, flashlight, camera, calculator and clock.

People also seem excited by the Air Drop and Face Time Voice features—but, if you don’t have unlimited data, beware.

So, when you’re ready, explore iOS 7 and all it has to offer. If you’ve already downloaded the software, share your favorite and least favorite experiences with us in the comments.

Cover Photo Source: Nehuén Mingote Kisler via Flickr
Photo Source 1: unten44 via Flickr

Cassandra is a Content Manager and Developer at SJG. She earned her BA from Fontbonne University in 2011. Outside the office, she enjoys an active, healthy and well-rounded lifestyle including reading, writing, running, golfing, watching films, listening to music, taking photographs, and consuming media and social media.