Funny Friday: X-Men, Why So Serious?

The big blockbuster X-Men Days of Future Past—the 7th installment of the X-Men franchise since 2000—opened last night! Running solid for 14 years, X-Men has maintained its Marvel reign for longer than any other Marvel superhero movie, including Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor and more. While X-Men has been going longer, Marvel’s The Avenger’s (2012) has […]

Wednesdays with Will: 2014: A Space Odyssey?

A happy New Year to all of you, and welcome to the first Wednesdays with Will of 2014! 2014. Twenty and thirty years ago people thought that by now the everyday human experience would be closer to that of the Jetsons than of the ’80s: a futuristic society that uses hovering cars and Iron Man-style […]

A Heart of Iron

Comic books are for geeks—at least that’s what the stereotype dictates. However, with movies like 2010’s Iron Man 2 grossing over $623 million worldwide, comics must have a larger fan base than people credit. At midnight, Iron Man 3 (the next installment of the Marvel Comic film series) opens in theaters. Although I have never […]

2012: Top Flicks

2012 presented a comeback year for the film industry; since 2009, box office numbers were declining, but highly anticipated sequels, family-friendly movies and a grown-up with a teddy bear helped make this year’s box office more successful than the last, generating $10.4 billion in revenue. So, what did we think about the highest grossing films […]