Uncle Sam Our Space

Throwback Thursday: Uncle Sam

It’s the Thursday before the Fourth of July, and I honestly can’t get America off the brain. Maybe it’s because of all the patriotism Chicago’s citizens exhibited during the U.S. Men’s National Soccer team’s work during the World Cup, or because after being in the working world and witnessing certain unfortunate global truths around the world I’m very thankful for my freedom, but regardless I’m seeing the stars and bars everywhere I look. So this Throwback Thursday, I’d like to honor one of the most effective patriotic characters around, Uncle Sam.

Uncle Sam encapsulates everything that is American – a tall top hat emblematic of Abraham Lincoln, who freed the nation from an oppressive economic system, and allowed the slaves to live their lives pursuing happiness and freedom. Forever wearing a red, white and blue ensemble, which wouldn’t be complete without stars and stripes, Uncle Sam has been used to effectively promote such patriotic efforts like service to the country, paying taxes and voting.

Did you ever wonder WHO Uncle Sam was? Check out the video below for some informational trivia:



To your family from The San Jose Group, have a happy, fun and safe Fourth of July weekend!

Cover Photo Source: justasc /

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Mary is an Assistant Account Executive at SJG. She earned her BA in Communication from the University of Evansville in 2013. In her spare time, when she’s not engulfing novels in a coffee shop, Mary feels most at home celebrating life and love with her family and friends, and visiting the streets of Paris in her dreams. [/author_info] [/author]