Snap Shots

Two for Tuesday: Snap Shots

We are daring you, on this  Two for Tuesday, to seize two moments (at least) and capture them.   Go out on the streets, take some pictures and share them with us on our FB page if you want.

Our in house “all things Chicago” correspondent went on the street and captured two fantastic displays right down the street from our building.   You do know that there are incredible decorations all over the city right?

Hey wake up – its the18th of December!   You’re going to miss it!  Life is happening; it keeps going, somehow.  In the light of the loss, is there something more important to do than seize the moments of our lives?  I mean to be enraptured by beauty and wonder.  To see the joy in little things.  Isn’t that what a six year old does?  Isn’t that what makes them so pure and perfect.  They are filled with wonder.  Nothing ceases to amaze them.  May it be so for us, in the awareness of how fleeting and unpredictable life is, that we seize the moments to love and give and behold beautiful things.  It is what makes life worth living, don’t you think?

Here are two spectacular window displays that our correspondent captured.  Click here to see and read more about her Chicago discovery.  These two from Tiffany’s are done meticulously – remember these are just storefront windows!  I love the blue door and the little box outside the window.

Our Space Tiffany's Window


Our Space Tiffany's Wreath

Now, because we can, let’s reawaken to the wonder.  Grab your guy, your girl, your kids or yourself – look around – see – really see.  Take some pictures, send them to us.  I’m checking these windows out for myself – seize the day like I said.  It ‘ll be over before we know it…

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Jennifer is Director of Content & Ideation at SJG.  I am convinced that every human being is innately creative – Picasso said the key is to remain childlike within the body of a responsible adult, or something along those lines. As the oldest member of this opinionated clan, I feel responsible to share a different perspective. Engage me – I love a good debate! [/author_info] [/author]