It’s an especially busy week here at SJG. But it’s Two for Tuesday – and we promise not to disappoint!
Today, we have two incredible videos to inspire you!
First, The Anti Defamation League released this video a couple of weeks ago. It is powerful! Let me just tease you by saying it is the fulfillment of John Lennon’s dream conveyed in “Imagine.” It does honor to his lyrics and his memory as it does the other legendary figures represented in the video. Ultimately, it inspires us all to imagine ourselves as the heroes of today and tomorrow’s world where hate, injustice and violence cease to have a place.
The second video is a well done compilation of empowering and encouraging movie clips. Its title promises “40 Inspirational Speeches in Two Minutes.” From Rocky and Braveheart to Rufus the Dog, from the Muppets to John Belushi and John Cusack, this selection of incredibly well edited movie soundbites should provoke you to do something good with your day.
Let us know what you thought of the ADL video and what “speech” made you smile.
Cover Photo Source: Alex via Flickr
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Jennifer is Director of Content & Ideation at SJG. I am convinced that every human being is innately creative – Picasso said the key is to remain childlike within the body of a responsible adult, or something along those lines. As the oldest member of this opinionated clan, I feel responsible to share a different perspective. Engage me – I love a good debate! [/author_info] [/author]