Human Rights Campaing

Wednesdays With Will: Brands, Social Media and Social Issues

Mixing brands and political commentary can be risky, but that’s not stopping a number of brands from using their social media accounts to support LGBT rights this week. While the Supreme Court hears both sides of California’s Proposition 8 Case regarding same-sex marriage, several brands have jumped on the buzz changing their profile pictures to reflect the Human Rights Campaign’s red equal sign.

Check out how these brands are weighing in on the issue.




True Blood






Cover Photo Source: The Human Rights Campaign / AMK1211 via Wikimedia Commons


[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Wilhelm Lawrence is an Account Executive at SJG. He graduated from DePaul University in 2011 with a BA in Marketing and a BA in Management. The devious mind behind Wednesdays with Will, Will considers himself a jack of all trades whether that be sports enthusiasts, film guru or grand master of pop culture. Will always enjoys learning and stepping up to the challenges of the world we live in today. [/author_info] [/author]