
Well Done, Axe

I have always been amused by Axe commercials, but at the same time I have always argued that they lack emotional merit. Are they funny- yes. Are they mildly ridiculous- absolutely. But again, will the average viewer feel any sort of the connection to the commercial when it’s over – probably not.  But for once, finally, Axe released something that goes against its norm.

It projects a rich, emotional overtone about the “girl of your dreams,” and then captures the emotional connection between the product and the future possibilities one could have by using it. This creativity is very out of character for Axe. The most impressive part being, Axe still remained true to its advertising goals and techniques and managed to successfully promote their scents and products — touche.


Cover Photo Source: Unilever via Wikimedia Commons

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info] Wilhelm Lawrence is an Account Executive at SJG. He graduated from DePaul University in 2011 with a BA in Marketing and a BA in Management. The devious mind behind Wednesdays with Will, Will considers himself a jack of all trades whether that be sports enthusiasts, film guru or grand master of pop culture. Will always enjoys learning and stepping up to the challenges of the world we live in today. [/author_info] [/author]